Benefits overview

The Vichy Solar project will bring significant benefits to Maries County, like millions of new dollars in tax revenue, long-term high-paying jobs, cleaner air and water, and a healthy place for all residents to live in and enjoy.

a stronger economy

The Vichy Solar project is currently estimated to generate at least $10 million in new tax revenue over the life of the project. In addition to tax revenue, Vichy Solar will bring approximately 200 jobs and increase spending during construction. In addition to local spending, landowners will get a sustainable income by leasing their land for renewable energy.

Low impact on land

Utility-scale solar has little to no impact on the underlying land. Drainage is maintained or redesigned to allow for proper water control. Grading and compaction are minimal, and the topsoil is preserved. In addition, solar energy facilities are a great neighbor. They do not create air pollution, odors, contaminated water, or nuisance sounds.

education funds

Missouri is still developing a tax payment formula, though it is expected that local schools will be one of the largest beneficiaries of funding from Vichy Solar’s tax and community benefit payments - which will result in millions of new dollars over the life of the project.

Job creation

Vichy Solar will create approximately 200 jobs during construction and can provide contracting opportunities for local manufacturers and vendors. Once operational, the site will support long-term local jobs amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars in income for local workers.

Natural screening

Vichy Solar will plant new trees, native plants and shrubs to become a part of the community. The project will strictly follow Missouri regulations and meet or exceed any state and local rules, plus enhance the land so that it stays useful for generations to come.


Prior to construction, a decommissioning plan will be signed between Vichy Solar and the local government. This agreement will ensure the removal of all equipment at the end of the project’s life. Once the equipment is removed, the land can be returned to agricultural use.

American-made energy

Vichy Solar will generate homegrown, American-made power. Diversifying the grid provides for a more stable energy supply and strengthens our national security.

Do you want to learn even more about Solar? Check out our Sources page for more resources.